Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Another April, another 21st

Getting together to remember appa...while there was emotion and regret and sadness, the overwhelming feeling was one of togetherness, and gratitude that we are a family that feels together.

When I woke up in the morning, the first thought to strike was...if he were here. And the other thoughts followed in quick succession, and this is what I wrote--

When I turn on the radio
and listen to Shruti on WorldSpace,
Or Ananya asks if I will drop her
at cricket practice;
Or I hear the swish of the garden hose
and the echo of a "good morning"
as Subramaniam the watchman opens the gate;
Or Dhoni scores a six
and bad fielding upsets a game;
Or when I butter my toast in the morning;
Or pick up the paper
and look at the Sudoku squares;
and at old cassettes on the book rack;
When we go to Utsav
and bring back five toothpicks...
If he's here at all these moments
that make up my days--
then why do I worry?
He's only a thought away.


Unknown said...

the five toothpick ritual will always continue!

Unknown said...

Hi Usha,

Sushila, my sister, told me about this blog of yours today and so here I am. This is Saraswathi (Saraswathi Nilakantan..maiden name)and I am writing this from Los Angeles which is not-so-sunny today.

Just wanted to let you know that I have some very fond memories of your Dad and your Mom. When we lived in Tarnaka, Uncle Pattabhi would drop in and I remember him as having the most friendly smile and lovely personality. There was a rapport between my Dad & yours and I think it just spilled over to us sisters as well. I love the pic you have of him..........though my memories of him are still frozen in time of a much younger looking Uncle.

Please give my regards to your mom and if you are ever in this part of the world, please let me know! I would love to hear from you.

Saras Kollengode