Today is my parents' 51st anniversary, and even with appa not here, it is still a day to celebrate, perhaps not with gifts and a party but with a smile and a look backwards in thanks. It's a normal day, which is for us, I suppose, a happy occasion in itself (considering that for so many people the normal day is fraught with so much challenge). Amma made kaju pakodas in the morning and we will attend a dance ballet in the evening, called "Peace on earth". The monsoon is making its hesitant entry into Hyderabad and holds promise of cooler weather in the days to come. Achala and Ananya are taking driving lessons and should soon hold licenses (in the American context, one would say, why this late?) and free me from chauffeuring. Upen is nearing the end of a productive summer vacation; he goes back to work next week. And I continue to be engaged in my various pursuits, juggling several jobs simultaneously and not able to make up mind which one to settle with! Some things never change. But others do, and we cannot but return periodically to that absence which is actually a continuous presence in our minds, if not in our lived lives. So, amma will have to have a double dose of wishes to make up for appa's absence this anniversary!
But last weekend was an exceptionally happy one. Rangan Chittappa and Vijaya Chitti had their 50th wedding anniversary, on June 5. They were in Mumbai having just got their US visa, waiting to leave for Hrishee's poonal. So Krishna and Kasturi organized a party for them that was supposed to be a surprise but as is the case in families like ours, the word got round in a circular fashion and ultimately reached them as well! The evening was a lot of fun, a sort of mini "Mangalams in Hyderabad 100"! All our relatives in Mumbai were there, and a couple (like me, Kumar Periappa and Periamma, and Uma, Meenakshi akka's daughter) who were visiting! Even if the event itself was not a surprise, the range of invitees I think was a pleasant one. Chittappa's close friend Narender was there, as were Chander, Vimala and Latha and their families, Ramu mama and Vasudha manni, and Sharada Periamma's family--Geetha/Shankar, Latha/Vasu and Sakku athai. There was of course plenty of reminiscing and laughter, as well as a bit of quiet nostalgia.
Not to speak of the food! A big dinner and three large chocolate cakes, to celebrate not one but three occasions--the anniversary, Supriya's birthday and Kumar Periappa's birthday (coming up in 3 days)!

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