Getting together to remember appa...while there was emotion and regret and sadness, the overwhelming feeling was one of togetherness, and gratitude that we are a family that feels together.
When I woke up in the morning, the first thought to strike was...if he were here. And the other thoughts followed in quick succession, and this is what I wrote--
When I turn on the radio
and listen to Shruti on WorldSpace,
Or Ananya asks if I will drop her
at cricket practice;
Or I hear the swish of the garden hose
and the echo of a "good morning"
as Subramaniam the watchman opens the gate;
Or Dhoni scores a six
and bad fielding upsets a game;
Or when I butter my toast in the morning;
Or pick up the paper
and look at the Sudoku squares;
and at old cassettes on the book rack;
When we go to Utsav
and bring back five toothpicks...
If he's here at all these moments
that make up my days--
then why do I worry?
He's only a thought away.